Thursday, October 22, 2009

Minnie Mouse

Halloween preview, she was less than thrilled when I attempted these.

Flossing her teeth...

Sweet Caroline!

Wearing Grammy's earrings and catching up on she's growing up too fast :-)

Hiding in the cabinets..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Caroline and Cousin Kendall

First Haircut

Caroline started pulling her hair out a few months ago, so unfortunately I had to have her haircut. This is her before shot, as you can see she doesn't have much hair left on top. She sat quietly and didn't budge the entire time she was getting her hair done. She is such a good girl.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Misc pictures from family week

Such a pretty girl.... and loves getting her pictures taken.

Yes, that is ketchup she's drinking...

Having fun on the swing..

Having fun in the sun..

Caroline's first train ride

The Crayola Factory

Caroline having fun painting a fish..

Giving PawPaw lots of love...

Mommy helping Caroline finish her fish...

Excited about the family visit

Caroline and Cousin Jason-she was so excited to see them..

Caroline with Aunt Monica and MawMaw. I'm not sure who was more excited...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Having fun at the zoo..

Caroline really enjoyed the train ride with Daddy and Evan....

Sharing raisins with Pappy